
  • 1月14開課
  • 吳欣迪牧師+宋慶文牧師
  • 基要真理-週日晚上
  • 課程簡介:透過此課程來幫助每位初信者,在信仰生活中穩定成長,更深的認識主,得蒙神的賜福,擁有豐盛的生命。 Zoom密碼: 123456
  • Zoom直通車
  • 1月14開課
  • 李柏威牧師
  • 家庭查經班
  • 「但聖靈降臨在你們身上,你們就必得著能力,並要在耶路撒冷、猶太全地,和撒馬利亞,直到地極,作我的見證。」(徒1:8)。《使徒行傳》又稱為《聖靈行傳》。書卷的起始便提到降下聖靈的應許,接著敘述聖靈如何降臨在信主之人的身上;書卷從開頭到末了,都強調聖靈的工作,以及聖靈如何帶領耶穌的門徒們建立教會,並進而把福音從耶路撒冷傳到世界各地去。身為21世紀的基督徒,我們也承接了這歷世歷代宣教的棒子,繼續「見證基督,直到地極」。
  • 視頻直通車



I grew up in a big family and have four elder brothers, three sisters, and a younger brother. My family immigrated to Canada in 1993 from Hong Kong. I came to know Christ Jesus at the age of 12 when I was attending a Christian high school. I committed my life to Christ during my high school years, but I didn’t practice the Christian faith until 1995.  I have been actively involved in various church ministries: worship, caring, preaching, and serving at the deacon board. I served in the finance board in the area conference level and organized annual training conferences for pastors and leaders. I also served as board member in an international non-profit organization, MCC, and a publishing organization, MennoMedia. I felt called to be in the ministry when I was going on in a mission trip in Ghana back in 2009. At the Revival Meeting held at ECBC in 2012, I dedicated my life to full-time ministry.

I started my seminary training at the Chinese Online School of Theology in 2010 and completed a diploma of Christian Studies in 2012. Then I graduated from ACTS seminary in 2015 with a Master of Christian Studies.

[email protected]






Janice-曾小容,在馬來西亞長大,1988 年開始在聖道堂聚會。從西北聖經學院畢業後,即投身於聖道堂的全職兒童事工事奉。

Janice 充滿了無窮的喜樂,醉心與她的義工群們,一起引導孩童們探索屬靈的生命,並經歷這位活生生的真神。

除了投身於聖道堂的服事,Janice 也先後參與過加拿大的亞伯達省、台灣、墨西哥、南非、哥倫比亞等地的兒童事工。

Janice 熱愛戶外活動,因為深感在美麗的藍天下,與神最親近。她最喜愛的一節經文是詩篇 16:11 ~


 Janice Chan grew up in Malaysia and she has attended Ecbc since 1988. Upon graduating from Northwest Bible College, she serves full time at ECBC Children's ministry. Janice has tremendous joy serving with her fabulous volunteering team guiding children in their spiritual quest and experiencing the Living God. Aside from serving in ECBC, Janice had also served in the children ministry in Alberta, Taiwan, Mexico, South Africa and Columbia. She used to be awarded with a certificate called "Toddler Sanity" -- for all the genuine love and warmth she showed the children when parents are retreating quickly to sanity! She enjoys being outdoor very much where she feels most near to God under the big blue sky. One of her favorite verses is: You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore. (Psalm 16:11 NKJV)
Email address: [email protected]